Tonight I had the privilege of attending my oldest son's Upper School presentation at his school. It was an opportunity for us to see the experiences their children are having in school. My son, along with another classmate, spoke about their experiences as fourth graders (he is in the 5th grade now). He spoke with confidence and poise. All of the other students got up and spoke with an eloquence and assuredness. I was very pleased. They gave a variety of examples of things they encounter while at school. The arts presentation blew my mind. I was watching the presentation, but as a teacher, I was also taking notes for things I could do with my own classes. It was a great experience. We live about 20 miles away from the school. It is about an hour commute in and an hour commute out. There are several days when we are frustrated with traffic, inconsiderate drivers, our own fatigue, roadblocks, and other factors...
Expressing what happens to dads everyday...