53:45 unofficial. That was my time for the Veterans Day 10K race I ran. 53:45 unofficial. My goal was to knock off some minutes from my 10K last year. I knocked off about 5 minutes; I am happy about that. Yet my time was 53:45 unofficial. I had a very good pace starting out. I actually changed my running style some months ago to conserve a bit of energy. It worked. But during the race, I stopped...three times to be exact. Once for water, the second time I am clueless about, and the third was because I really was tired (next time, I will stay off the late night movies and donuts before race day!) But that was not my lesson. My lesson was that I needed to stay in a pack, run with other people to keep a constant pace. Why is that so important? Well, I, The Bassman, am a very successful introvert (at least I can be). I know how to be alone and be comfortable. I have noticed in the l...
Expressing what happens to dads everyday...