"I gotta feeling...that tonight's gonna be a good night!" These are the words by Black Eye Peas I heard as I triumphantly jogged across the finish line. I wish I could upload the video of the crossing (Yes, I had my iPhone in hand recording the whole thing!) During the last 1/4 of a mile, with an excrutiating pain in my ankle and now heavy fatigue, I spoke into my now sweaty phone, huffing and puffing, and now jogging across the line. I no longer cared that my time was...long. I could have cared less that many runners (ummm, make that thousands of runners) finished before me. I was enjoying the moment. The crowd was roaring, clapping and celebrating every finisher's triumph. God gave me the chance to run...a marathon! 26.2 miles worth or concrete! Only 1% of Americans have done this! I need to go get my 26.2 car magnet. Joe English, Running-Advice.com. Copyright 2010. Someone once told me that the maratho...
Expressing what happens to dads everyday...