I wonder at times if I am doing this right. This parenting thing. Have you ever thought this? Actually, you may not have...but I have. Tasks I would consider easy seem to become scientific problems for NASA here. As I was writing this, one of my boys became so frustrated with one of the chores he was doing because...just because. My fingers left the keyboard and went to help him. I took some time and showed him how to do it. And he got it. And he was grateful. And that was it. I have to remember this. I have to take the time to demonstrate my expectations. I have to take the time. I have to. I am twenty years old (+++) and my boys are still in elementary and middle school. I've had a wealth of life changing experiences, where they have had a max of 13 years of simple life. The reminders, given over and over and over and...(whew) and over again are necessary for them. As a matter of fact,...
Expressing what happens to dads everyday...