The pain began on mile 4. I had to run 22 more grueling miles with this aggravating pain. The first 3 miles were great -- the unyielding enthusiasm from all of the fans, the vigor of the runners, the electric atmosphere. It was all there. And then came...that pain. It was at the top of my right ankle. I had never felt it before; not even sure where it came from. My running partner cramped continuously throughout the race. Pain. As I had to stop and start, the pain from my ankle became progressively worse, so much so that it was more painful to start running again than the actual run.
Pain is everywhere. If you talk with anyone for a bit of time, you can hear the joys and pains of their life. My friend suffered a brain aneurysm. Another colleague was in an unhealthy marriage. Once to have it all only to lose everything and begin all over again...pain. To see your daughter on a great track to have a successful life only to have a major life setback while you watch...pain. Losing your job, your spouse, children, or best friend...pain.
We have all suffered in some way in our life. It can be short or last for years. And we all handle it in other ways. My ankle tortured me just about the entire race, but I completely forgot about it when I crossed the finish line.
What's the point -- pain will come, and pain can stay, but all pain stops. There is no pain that lasts always. Also, there is a lesson in it. No one enjoys it, or at least they shouldn't. Euripedes said, "Do not consider painful what is good for you." The Bible says, "No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it. Therefore, strengthen your feeble arms and weak knees." -- Hebrews 12:10-12
I had to run a twenty mile route while training for the race. That was the hardest run I had ever done. I felt sick, dehydrated, and consistently thought about all the miles I still had to run.. So I adjusted my thinking, considered what I learned, and changed my run. I drank often during the race, ran with someone, and had the end in sight. And I completely forgot about the pain when I crossed the finish line in a time of...well, don't you worry your little head over that!
Don't ignore the lessons that come through these hard times. They make us better. I'd love to hear from you. I have NOS...
Pain is everywhere. If you talk with anyone for a bit of time, you can hear the joys and pains of their life. My friend suffered a brain aneurysm. Another colleague was in an unhealthy marriage. Once to have it all only to lose everything and begin all over again...pain. To see your daughter on a great track to have a successful life only to have a major life setback while you watch...pain. Losing your job, your spouse, children, or best friend...pain.
We have all suffered in some way in our life. It can be short or last for years. And we all handle it in other ways. My ankle tortured me just about the entire race, but I completely forgot about it when I crossed the finish line.
What's the point -- pain will come, and pain can stay, but all pain stops. There is no pain that lasts always. Also, there is a lesson in it. No one enjoys it, or at least they shouldn't. Euripedes said, "Do not consider painful what is good for you." The Bible says, "No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it. Therefore, strengthen your feeble arms and weak knees." -- Hebrews 12:10-12
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