"I will honor Christmas in my heart, and try to keep it all year." -- Charles Dickens
It is every year around this time that we capture the warm fuzzies in our hearts as we look forward to celebrating this festive season. We eagerly anticipate seeing family and friends, going home to mom and dad, or possibly seeing the first snowflakes fall outside our window while you cozy up to a bright and crackling fire. The Christmas Fir is beautifully decorated with ornaments and candy canes and silver and red presents adorn the floor around the tree. Giving thoughtful gifts to incredible friends is always a pleasure. I look forward to those kinds of Christmases.
But not this year...
Sure, I can't wait to see my parents in Atlanta. I can't wait to sit at the breakfast table and sop my mama's biscuits (if you have never done, this your life is so incomplete right now). And yes, I am looking forward to catching up with old friends and family that I have not spoken to for a while. But the tangible presents...I just not feeling. I can't tell if its because of the recession or that I am not feeling meandering through another gargantuan mall while some woman dressed in black tries to spray another cologne on my hands. This year I want to have a different perspective.
I want to give a smile.
I want to thank people for the influence they have had in my life.
I want to honor my wife more.
I want to bless my boys and feel them jump on my back.
I want to hug my students.
I want to give of my time, my heart, and my ears to those who need my time, my heart, and my ears.
I want to give of myself. This is how I can honor Christmas and keep it in my heart...all year. How about you?
In the words of a famous Irish prayer--
May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind always be at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
and rains fall soft upon your fields.
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of His hand.
Peace and blessings.
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