I was recently at a party celebrating a milestone birthday. The lounge scene was live and people were really excited. The live reggae music, dancing, West Indian food, and people everywhere had set the stage for a very festive evening. It was so much fun. A relative of ours (we'll call him Joe for this purpose) was getting ready to leave. He and his wife had a long journey back and had to get to work the next day. I saw him and gave him proper respects as he was preparing to leave. He later turns around in the midst of the loud band and singing and says, "I appreciate what you are doing with your family. I've been watching you."
"Thanks so much. I really appreciate it.", I responded.
And with a few more words he left.
It didn't hit me until later what really happened. I'll put it in perspective for you. I rarely talk to Joe. Nothing to wrong with that. I've rarely seen Joe. I don't believe I follow him on Instagram or even on Facebook, although I might. Yet, that's probably the way he sees what I am doing. I sometimes post about what our family is up to. Besides, I love when my family (aka, The A4 Squad) is together. We do all kinds of exciting things together, like spending the night in a hotel during the middle of the week for the fun of it, or getting ice cream in Philadelphia because we saw it on the Food Channel.
Outside the Franklin Fountain in Philly. The young lady is a good friend of the family. |
In fact, it feels almost empty when we are not rolling together. Well Joe must have been taking notice.
This got me thinking. It made me think of how much of an example people look at us and to us for. There have been many occasions where people say absolutely nothing on social media, but in person will mention what they saw us do on social media. (If you want, follow me on Facebook at Ldijon, Twitter at @NOS4Dads, or Instagram at @dijondabassman.) I get it. Francis of Assisi was quoted as saying: " Preach the Gospel at all times. Use words if necessary." No, my family is not a gospel, but I want us to follow it. I want my family to be outstanding. I want us to be an example for other families. I want my marriage to be foundational and my boys to be model citizens. I never want to hear my family wish or say that they would be happier somewhere else.
This means I have to consistently put in that work. I have No Off Season.
In your NOS training, consider these questions:
Are you seriously putting in the effort to ensure that your family is happy and satisfied?
Who are you looking up to for guidance?
Who are you mentoring?
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